Vehicles & Parking

Vehicles operated and/or parked on University property are required to comply with the University's vehicle policies. While this page contains some of the highlights of the policy, individuals are encouraged to read the entire policy to ensure their ability to comply with it. This policy covers the following areas:

Vehicle Registration

Vehicles operated or parked on property must be registered with the Office of Campus Safety by obtaining a parking permit. The requirements and fees to obtain a parking permit vary based on the type of permit.

 Permanent Parking Permits

Permanent parking permits are permits that are valid for, at minimum, one year and are affixed to the windshield of the vehicle. Permanent parking permits are assigned based on the individuals association with the University (employee or student/community member) and then based on their residence (Lamson Hall, Meier Hall/University Towers, University Housing, Community). These designations than dictate which parking lots the vehicle can be parked in. For more information on parking lot designations, please see our campus map.

To obtain a permanent parking permit, an individual must first pre-register their vehicle information online and digitally consent to abide by the University vehicle policies. A step-by-step guide is available to guide you through this process, including how to digitally provide the following valid documents and paying any associated registration fees:

  • Driver's License
  • Proof of Insurance
  • Proof of State Registration

Once complete, further information will be provided to each individual on how they can complete their registration by obtaining a physical parking permit to place on their vehicle's windshield (on the lower interior corner, driver's side).

Please note that the Office of Campus Safety cannot accept cash payments. Individuals can either use their credit/debit card or charge the fee to their University financial account.

The following permit types and associated fees are as follows:

Type Valid Fee Designation
Faculty/Staff 3 Years $0.00 01 - F/S
Community 1 Year $10.00 02 - C
Housing 1 Year $10.00 03 - H
Lamson 1 Year $10.00 04 - L
Meier/University Towers 1 Year $10.00 05 - M/B/D
Service* 3 Years $0.00 06 - S
Alumni 3 Years $10.00 07 - A

*Requires additional paperwork.

Temporary Parking Permits

Temporary parking permits are issued to individuals who would normally receive a permanent parking permit, but who are using a vehicle on campus for up to two weeks.  Temporary parking permits are free and are issued under the same types (F/S, C, H, L, M/B/D, S, A), with the same parking requirements, and expire after two weeks.

To receive a temporary parking permit, please visit the Office of Campus Safety to provide your valid driver's license and vehicle information (make/model/color/license plate). 

Guest Parking Permit

Guest parking permits are issued to guests of Andrews University. They are issued to individuals who are visiting the University who are not employees, students, or community members who frequently visit the campus. Guest parking permits can be issued by most departments on campus as well as by the Office of Campus Safety. For more information, please see our visitor page.

Posted Signage

On campus there are signs posted that cover the operations of vehicles. All signs on campus are enforceable and cover some of the following information:

  • Parking Lot Designations (Lot #, type of permit required, and whether overnight parking is allowed)
  • Vehicle Speed limits
  • Stop Signs
  • One-Way Access
  • Fire Lane

For more information on parking lot designations, please see our campus map.

Policy Enforcement 

The Office of Campus Safety is tasked with the enforcement of the University's vehicle policies. Violations of the policies may result in the issuance of a private property citation against the registered owner, or where applicable, against the assigned driver. Citations are typically issued based on a tiered, esclatating offense system (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Offense), where the fine amount escalates with each offense. Citations issued as a "Warning" do not have a monetary fine. The count of offenses starts over annually on August 1st.  After the third offense, additional offenses can result in further escalation including vehicle immobilization and/or coordination with the Office of Campus and Student Life or the Office of Human Resources. The citation and fine amount are established by the Campus Safety and Risk Management Committee. 

Once a citation has been issued, the cited party has ten (10) days to take action, either by appealing the citation or paying the citation. If no action is taken, the citation may be charged to the registered owner's University financial account.

Citations are based on three categories; vehicle, compliance, and security. The following citations may be issued by the Office of Campus Safety.

Citation Fine Schedule
Type Violation Definition 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense
Vehicle Abandoned Vehicle Vehicle left on campus without authorization Warning $25.00 $50.00
Vehicle Blocking Traffic Vehicle location blocked traffic on roadway or parking lot Warning $35.00 $70.00
Vehicle Boot/Immobilization Vehicle has been immobilized. Contact Campus Safety. Warning $25.00 $50.00
Vehicle Careless Driving Vehicle was operated in a negligent manner that could cause injury or damage. Warning $75.00 $150.00
Vehicle Expired AU Registration Vehicle's University permit has expired. Warning $25.00 $50.00
Vehicle Expired Plates Vehicle's state tag has expired. Warning $25.00 $50.00
Vehicle Fail to Display Parking Permit Vehicle has not displayed the registered University permit. Warning $25.00 $50.00
Vehicle Fail to Register for Parking Permit Vehicle is not currently registered with the University. Warning $40.00 $80.00
Vehicle Fail to Stop Vehicle failed to stop at a stop sign. Warning $75.00 $150.00
Vehicle Fail to Stop for School Bus Vehicle failed to stop for a school bus with red lights activated. $180.00 $180.00 $180.00
Vehicle Fail to Yield Vehicle failed to yield other traffic. Warning $75.00 $150.00
Vehicle Improper Parking Perming Placement Vehicle's University permit is placed in the wrong location. Contact Campus Safety to relocate permit and violation may be reduced. Warning $20.00 $40.00
Vehicle Incorrect Parking Permit Information Vehicle's description does not match records associated with the University permit. Contact Campus Safety to update records and violation may be reduced. Warning $25.00 $50.00
Vehicle No License Plate Vehicle does not have a license plate. Warning $35.00 $70.00
Vehicle No Overnight Parking Vehicle was parked overnight (past 3:00 a.m.) without authorization (Due to University permit type, parking lot designation, or failure to report mechanical issue). Warning $20.00 $40.00
Vehicle No Parking - Fire Hydrant/Lane Vehicle was parked blocking access to a fire hydrant or fire lane. Warning $75.00 $150.00
Vehicle No Parking - Handicap Zone Vehicle was parked in a Handicap Zone without a visible state-issued permit. $150.00  $150.00  $150.00
Vehicle No Parking Zone Vehicle was parked in an area not designated for parking. Warning $45.00 $90.00
Vehicle No Valid Driver Documents Vehicle operator was unable to produce state required documentation (could include driver's license, insurance, or state registration). Warning $75.00 $150.00
Vehicle Obstructed Vision Vehicle's windshield, front windows, or rear window were obstructed. Warning $45.00 $90.00
Vehicle Overtime Parking Vehicle was parked longer than the parking space's designated time. Warning $30.00 $60.00
Vehicle Parked Facing Traffic Vehicle was parallel parked facing traffic. Warning $40.00 $80.00
Vehicle Parked over the Line Vehicle was parked over the designated parking space lines. Warning $15.00 $30.00
Vehicle Preventing Snow Removal Vehicle was parked in a manner that prevented or restricted snow removal. Warning $40.00 $80.00
Vehicle Property Damage Amount Citation issued for the corresponding value of the University property that was damaged. $TBD N/A N/A
Vehicle Reckless Driving Vehicle was operated in a deliberate manner that could cause injury or damage, or in complete disregard for safety of others or property. Warning $150.00 $300.00
Vehicle Restricted Parking Vehicle was parked in an area without authorization (Due to University permit type, parking lot designation, or parking space designation). Warning $30.00 $60.00
Vehicle Speeding 6+ mph Over Limit Vehicle was operated at a speed greater than 6+ miles over the posted speed limit. Warning $75.00 $150.00
Vehicle Speeding 6+ mph Over in School Zone Vehicle was operated at a speed greater than 6+ miles over the posted speed limit in a school zone with school zone lights active. Warning $120.00 $240.00
Vehicle Vehicle on the Grass Vehicle was parked or operated on the grass. Warning $45.00 $90.00
Vehicle Vehicle on the Sidewalk Vehicle was parked or operated on the sidewalk. Warning $45.00 $90.00
Vehicle Wrongful U-Turn Vehicle performed a U-turn in a restricted area. Warning $35.00 $70.00
Compliance Fail to Evacuate/Re-Enter Individual failed to evacuate a building or re-entered an evacuated building prior to authorization. Warning $150.00 $300.00
Compliance Negligent Fire Alarm Activation Individual or residence responsible for negligent fire alarm activation. Warning $25.00 $50.00
Compliance Possession of Hazardous Item Individual or residence found in possession of a hazardous item. Warning $50.00 $100.00
Compliance Tampering with Life Safety Equipment Individual intentionally and negatively affected the operation of life safety equipment. Warning $250.00 $500.00
Compliance Unattended Cooking Food was left cooking and unattended. Warning $50.00 $100.00
Compliance Unsafet Act with Intent Individual's actions intentionally created a safety risk impacting the campus $150.00 $150.00 $150.00
Security Circumventing Security Technology Individual's action defeated a security technology (including but not limited to: alarm systems, cameras, door locks, or username access). Warning $150.00 $500.00
Security Fail to Stop at Gatehouse Individual failed to stop and identify themselves at the Gatehouse when in operation. Warning $25.00 $50.00
Security False Security Alarm Individual responsible for negligent activation of security alarm system. Warning $25.00 $50.00
Security Unauthorized Relocation of a Safety Barricade Individual moved a barricade/cone without authorization. Warning $75.00 $150.00

Citation Appeal Process

The registered owner/assigned driver may appeal a citation that has been issued to them. The appeals will be reviewed by the Citation Appeals Committee. The Committee consists of three voting members and one non-voting member filled by the Office of Campus Safety. The voting members will be made up of faculty/staff, with a designated chairperson and a quorum of two. The non-voting member is responsible to provide information relating to the citation. The Citation Appeals Committee will have the following options in response to an appealed citation:  

  • Uphold the citation
  • Reduce the monetary amount of the citation
  • Alter the citation status (reduce to caution, waive, or void)

The committee can be reached via email at 

The citation process can include a first appeal and a second appeal.

First Appeal

The registered owner/assigned driver will have 10 days in which they may submit a written appeal from the date of the citation’s issuance. In the appeal, the registered owner/assigned driver will provide new information of a substantive nature: information that was not available at the time the citation was issued that could have significantly impacted the decision to issue the citation.

The written appeal will then be reviewed by the Citation Appeals Committee with their decision communicated to the cited party by the Office of Campus Safety via the cited party’s University email account. The cited party will not appear in person before the Appeals Committee.

In an instance where a citation was electronically issued to a non-registered vehicle, the citation may be appealable up to10 days after the vehicle has been registered or the registered owner/driver has been identified.

Second Appeal

After completing the 1st appeal process, the cited party may request a second appeal within ten (10) days after receiving notice of the outcome of the 1st Appeal. The appeal may be requested under the following grounds:

  • Substantive Procedure Error: The issuance of the citation or the 1st appeal process had a significant or relevant procedural error that may have impacted the existence of the citation or the committee’s decision.

The cited party must submit, in writing, their request for the second appeal including a description of the circumstances related to the substantive procedural error. Upon the Appeal Committee Chair’s review, a 2nd in-person appeal may be scheduled.

The cited party will then be scheduled to present their appeal in person (or in writing if unavailable). At the 2nd Appeal, only the registered owner and/or assigned driver will be allowed to be present except as follows:

  • When the registered owner/assigned driver is a minor, one parent/guardian may be present.
  • When the registered owner/assigned driver requires a translator, one translator, provided by the registered owner/assigned driver, may be present.
  • When the registered owner/assigned driver is providing for childcare at the time of the 2nd appeal, the child may be present.

During the scheduling of the 2nd Appeal, it is the responsibility of the registered owner/assigned driver to notify the Office of Campus Safety of the need for an additional person to be present. The cited party is not allowed to bring legal counsel to the appeal hearing.

The Appeals Committee Chair will be responsible to identify the amount of time available for the specific 2nd appeal to allocate enough time to conduct the Appeals Committee work.

After the registered owner/assigned driver has provided their appeal, their meeting will be concluded. The Chair may conclude the appeal if the appeal does not stay within the specific procedural error or if the appeal lacks professional discourse. The appeal will then be reviewed by the Citation Appeals Committee with their decision communicated to the registered owner/assigned driver by the Office of Campus Safety via their University email account.

Failure to appear for a 2nd appeal without notice will result in an automatic dismissal of the appeal.

The outcome of the 2nd Appeal is the final decision for the citation.